The richest and the poorest. Contradition

"...The increase in the number of hungry people was blamed on lower incomes and increased unemployment, which in turn reduced access to food by the poor, the UN agency said.
But it contrasted sharply with evidence that much of the developed world is richer than ever before...

Asia-Pacific: 642m
Sub-Saharan Africa: 265m
Latin America and Caribbean: 53m
Middle East and North Africa: 42m
Developed world: 15m
Source: FAO

"It's the first time in human history that we have so many hungry people in the world," said FAO spokesman Kostas Stamoulis, director of the organisation's development department.
"And that's a contradiction, because a lot of the world is very rich despite the economic crisis."
Mr Diouf urged governments to provide development and economic assistance to boost agriculture, particularly by smallholder farmers.
"Investment in agriculture must be increased because for the majority of poor countries a healthy agricultural sector is essential to overcome poverty and hunger and is a pre-requisite for overall economic growth," he said.
BBC News

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